Holy Communion is to be distributed only under the Species of the Sacred Host (bread). The Precious Blood (wine) is not to be distributed at this time.
The faithful have the right to receive either on the tongue or in the hand, according to the discipline of the Church
Holy Communion may not be received in the hand if someone is wearing a glove. Instead, proper and diligent hand hygiene should be observed before and after distributing and/or receiving Holy Communion.
The faithful should remove/adjust masks and remove gloves as they approach the minister.
If possible, the reverence and the verbal exchange should take place 6 feet away: Bow The Body of Christ Amen then step forward to receive.
Reception in the Hand: For those receiving in the hand, please approach the priest (or deacon or EMHC), placing your dominant hand under your less dominant hand creating a sort of throne upon which to receive the Lord. After receiving Jesus in your hand, step to the side, and place the Host gently in your mouth, making sure to consume any particles of the Eucharist that remain in your less dominant hand, as even the smallest particle is still Jesus. Then, simply replace your mask and return prayerfully to your seat.
Reception on the Tongue: During this time, it might be better to consider receiving in the hand; however, if you choose to receive on the tongue please adhere to the following: approach the priest (or deacon or Eucharistic Minister). Please allow time for the Host to be placed safely on your tongue, and for the one distributing to remove his hand, so as to avoid contact. After receiving, replace your mask and return prayerfully to your pew.